Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reflection On Class Discussion "Arizona State Act Bill 1070"

                  My Whole idea and view on the class discussion yesterday was very straightforward view on one-sided.I believe that yes mexico is right next to us,and i can understand why mexicans would immigrant to america.But,first of all when people come to america they bring thier problems with them.Another thing is most immigrants come for all the wrong reasons to take advantage.Secondly, i see why people may think americans are racist because they say well americans just don't like mexicans which is wrong.I believe that it's mainly mexicans who come to america,so that's why people may think were racist towards them.But in reality sets in the main population of immigrants come from mexico.And i dont' believe that we should follow the rules of the admenment and constitution because when the admenment of "everyone born here and that's here in america is already a citizen"that admenment was made for slaves back in the day not for mexico.And their's simply to many mexicans here already undocumented and illegal to just let people here free just makes no since,we have enough problems in america already and violence.So,what people are saying is just because there is violence and problems in there country,it makes it ok to come to another country illegally and that country has policies.It's like saying that if a homeless man lives in the hood, is it ok for him to robb a bank in a rich neighborhood no it's not.Laws are Laws and Polies are Policies....If you can't follow those policies you have no reason to be in that country.

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