Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The National Commission on Excellence in Education April1983

                  I believe that the education system has been created this way every since the beginning of eduction form.Just, for the simple fact that america wants you to learn a certain way and have the power of control soo we can think the same.And, it's simply all based upon the fact that everything is competion and survival of the fittest and who can have a better education and a better life.It's suppose to be based in a way were "this is the conventional way of life and this is the way it has to be in order to make it."Which is wrong and americans have caught on too it and also america is realizing it and they're and were saying being forced a certain way to think,is that truely learning?
                  Is sitting at a desk learning unneccessary tools of life really going to make us rich or successful in life no it's not,i feel that they're feeling guilty of the control of brainwashing us and not giving us the freedom to learn in a comfortable way.Nothing but force comes through force i feel that if it stays this way nothing going to change and it's going too be the same backwards mentaltality of thinking when it comes to america.Plus,there's certain tools we need in life and there's other things that are just not important,the true goal in america is be business smart,have a well paying job,and follow the rubric of the living way.That's all we need some of the richest people in america never went too college.No degree,and no education doesnt mean you wont make it out here,it's about learning and knowing the system.And,if they are going to change the educational system they need to start buy,letting us choice all are classes,when we want to go to school,when we want too leave,what time night,evening or day they need to adjust it in the way too the studets too make them want too learn.

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